Holidays 2017

What's up Peoples?


Thanks for clicking and reading the news Feed. I'm just back from a ten day run in China which had it's ups and downs. The first leg in Beijing was action packed and the band ( Jeff Gilman, Kenny Leonore, Nico Mege) had our first stop at the Bricks in Beijing. This place sounds great and real music fans show up!  Nico had another engagement so we had Fiach, a great drummer from Ireland fill in with us and lay down some serious groove. Saturday the 11th saw the GLB at a Craft Beer Festival at the East Hotel in Beijing. Xian bar has added a container which they renovated into a very cool bar and will be open all winter. The party was focusing on local craft beer and positive vibes and Teddy Strings and his band tore the place up also! That night, we moved back downtown to a place called Good Bait and played another show well into the night! Massive party... 

Unfortunately, I caught a bad throat infection after Beijing and had to postpone my two shows in Shanghai at the Chair Club. Spent most of my time in SH at the hospital... I'm ok tho almost back to 110%.... I will be back there in '18 to get those shows done and do a proper Shanghai hang... thanks to everyone for the support and for reading... Happy Holidays to you and yours. See you in the Streets!